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Encontro de Saberes

An Integrating Event

Based on the tripod of education, teaching, research and extension, the Academic Deans of UFOP annually organize the Encontro de Saberes. This event aims to broaden and deepen the dialogue between the academic community (UFOP) and the external community, in order to generate knowledge and strengthen the bond and commitment with its target populations.

In the 2020 Edition, the Federal University of Ouro Preto will hold the Meeting of Knowledge in a 100 % virtual way (online) due to the Covid-19. The Knowledge Meeting will take place between November 30th and December 4th, 2020.

We invite all students and scholarship holders of UFOP's graduate programs to register and participate in the events:

For details on registration, calendar, requirements, related to the event, access the website of the Encontro de Saberes, clicking here or the icon below.

The main events that make up the Meeting of Knowledge are presented in the table below.

Scientific Initiation Seminar (SEIC)

The SEIC aims to promote exchanges between undergraduate students who participate in Scientific Initiation Programs in Education and Research Institutions, public or private, in all areas of knowledge. This event includes the evaluation of UFOP Institutional Programs for Scientific Initiation Scholarships: PIBIC/CNPq/UFOP, PIBIC-Af/CNPq/UFOP, PIBITI/CNPq/UFOP, PROBIC/FAPEMIG/UFOP, PIP/UFOP, PROMET/ Gorceix Foundation, PROMIN/Gorceix Foundation, PIBIC-EM/CNPq/UFOP, BIC-Jr/FAPEMIG/UFOP and the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Volunteers (PIVIC).

Exhibition of Innovation and Technology (MIT)

MIT aims to promote the dissemination of research, innovation and technological development activities carried out by undergraduate and graduate students. This event includes the evaluation of the Institutional Program for Initiation Scholarships in Technological Development and Innovation (PIBITI/CNPq) and the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Volunteers (PIVIC).

Postgraduate Exhibition (MPPG)

The Postgraduate Exhibition - MPPG aims to promote the dissemination of research activities carried out by students of UFOP's graduate programs. Scholarship graduates who have completed more than 75% of their regular master's and doctoral time (18 and 36 months, respectively) are invited to present their work at the 2020 Graduate Exhibition

Extension Seminar (SEXT)

SEXT has the objective of presenting the actions and extensionist projects of UFOP in the oral, poster, benches modalities. It also includes cultural presentations on stage, theater and

Pró-Ativa Show

The Pró-Ativa program aims to contribute to the improvement of undergraduate education through Projects aimed at developing methodologies and technologies to support learning; the elaboration and organization of materials and didactic collections to aid disciplines; actions to reduce evasion and retention in graduation; proposals associated with the Pedagogical Projects of the courses and others related to the theme of accessibility and inclusion.

Internationalization Seminar (SEINTER)

The objective of SEINTER is to present, in poster format, the experiences of UFOP students in the Science without Borders Program, in order to democratize the academic experiences of those who had the opportunity to study abroad.


Seminar The Monitoring Seminar aims to discuss the role of the Monitoring Program at UFOP, as well as to evaluate the program and devise strategies for systematic monitoring of monitoring.

PIBID Exhibition

The PIBID Exhibition aims to present the actions of the Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program at PIBID-UFOP, a program of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) that aims to promote the initiation to teaching, contributing to the improvement for the training of teachers at a higher level and for the improvement of the quality of Brazilian public basic education.


